Replace Regular Milk with Oat Milk

Source Delish knowledge
Source Delish knowledge

The wave of veganism has encouraged people to ditch dairy products for vegan alternatives and this shift has shown positive effects on both, people’s health and environment. Oat milk is one popular alternative to cow milk that people have started to use widely. It is easy to prepare, affordable, rich in vitamins and minerals and is also a good option for people whose bodies don’t take dairy products well. Here are a few more reasons which will encourage you to switch from cow milk to oat milk:

–  It is Lactose-free

 Lactose is a form of sugar found in regular milk and some people show intolerance towards it. Oat milk is free from lactose and hence can be suitable replacement for regular milk on the breakfast table.

Help keep cholesterol level in check

Oat milk is a good source of soluble fiber and helps in reducing blood cholesterol levels.

– A great alternative for people having nut allergies

 In some people, nuts and dairy products can trigger serious allergies and hence they have a limited number of options. Oat milk is the best option for people in this case. They can add oat milk to their tea, coffee or even cereal.

-Cruelty-free production

 Last but in no way the least important benefit, oat milk has cruelty-free production which is not the case with your regular milk. Oat milk can also be made at home and can be refrigerated and stored just like your regular milk.

It can be prepared at home using three readily available ingredients (oats, water and a natural sweetener of choice). Oat milk is also produced commercially but before purchasing a carton, make sure you pick the one with the least amount of added sugar.



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