Everyone knows that smartphones make life easier and convenient. You can easily get in touch with friends, follow the news, or just see what celebrities are doing. But for people who are addicted to their smartphone, they suffer from nomophobia( a term used for smartphone addiction).
What is nomophobia?
No Mobile Phone Phobia is a disorder suffered by half of the population. It occurs due to by the irrational dependence on smartphone that generates a feeling of anxiety in the user to feel cut off from the outside.
Signs of nomophobia
- You unconsciously reach for your phone when you’re bored. It’s pretty much a reflex.
- You pretend to be listening…but you’re actually checking your Instagram feed.
- You panic when you don’t see your phone anywhere.

- It’s the last thing you see when you go to sleep and the first thing you see in the morning.
- You check your phone for new notifications every 15 minutes.
- You use your phone when you are with your friends
- You find the scroll motion extremely comforting.
- Your battery is ALWAYS low.
- You are stressed out by social media
- You text people more than talking with the ones you are physical with
- You just can’t quit using it, even after trying a number of times
Addiction to your phone can actually cause problems with your sleep, health, attention, and even relationships so we recommend slowly cutting down your tech time.