Basic Tips for Winter Skin Care

Winter skin care

Drying of the skin in natural in winters after all the harsh weather takes away all the softness of your skin especially if you are lazy and do not moisturize! Here are some simple tips that everyone needs to keep in mind during the chilly season to protect them. Winters take away the shine and moisturization from the skin and some simple tips that can help you avoid dryness and skin damage. Here we have what needs to be followed in winters for the best skin care:

Use Lukewarm Water

Winter skin care

Hot showers feel really good in winters but to especially wash your palms, legs and face, use lukewarm water to avoid stripping oil away from the skin. In winters one should also take care of using warm water for bathing and not extremely hot water as it washes off the oil from the body that keeps you moisturized. Also, make sure to use a mild soap that does not dry your skin.

Moisturize immediately after wash

Winter skin care

In winters choosing an oil-based moisturizer is essential to keep the skin soft. Keep yourself moisturized all the time with lip balms especially for the lips. Remember to use body moisturizers and face moisturizers after taking bath as after washing the body becomes dry and needs care. You can also use natural moisturizers like glycerin, oil and butter.

Face packs

Winter skin care

Face packs are a must to keep your skin hydrated. These face packs have all the skincare ingredients like natural vitamins and minerals that the body needs. The best face packs recommended in winters are Papaya face pack, Almond and Milk face pack, Egg yolk paste and olive oil pack, Yoghurt and buttermilk face pack, Avocado and honey face mask etc.

Oil treatment

Winter skin care

Coconut is the most easily available oil in every home and has several benefits to give your skin and hair in winters. Almond and olive oil in winters can also help in hydrating the skin. Massaging the scalp and body gently with this oil is beneficial for both the body and hairs. Same as the body loses the miniaturization, the hair loses it too. Using oils is essential to keep it hydrated.

Stay hydrated

Winter skin care

People tend to drink less in winters, but it is crucial to keep the body hydrated with water from within too. Drinking water also keeps your body hydrated from inside and retains its shine. Having herbal tea can benefit more and is a nice remedy to keep the body moisturized.

Glycerin treatment

Winter skin care

Glycerin is best at solving various dry skin problems. It works as a natural moisturizer and restores the skin’s hydration. It has humectants and emollient properties that are best for keeping skin’s dryness away.

What more you can do to save your skin and yourself in winters are covering the body nicely, reducing the use of skin scrubber, overnight moisturization too, no licking of lips etc.


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