Cheat Meal Strategies for Weight Loss

Source Toutelanutrition
Source Toutelanutrition

Going on a diet takes a lot of dedication and sometimes there are days when you crave for pizza or junk food, but while on diet we often control those cravings. You need not to ignore the cravings as cheat meal can also be healthy and you can still lose weight while having a few cheat meals. So, check out few cheat meal strategies that will help you lose weight:

Why cheat meal is important?

If you have one cheat meal every week then it can boost your metabolism and help you stick to your diet and even motivate you to lose weight. The only trick is to have a strategy for your cheat meal.

  • Choose weekend for the cheat meal

Start with a diet plan and add a cheat meal into it. It is advised to choose a weekend evening cheat meal or when you are going out with your friends. Also reduce the calorie intake during the day to balance it.

  • Only a cheat meal

When you are on a diet you must eat everything in moderation. A cheat meal once a week is fine but not a cheat day. Avoid eating too much unhealthy food in a cheat meal.

Source BuiltLean
Source BuiltLean
  • Earn it

Stick to your diet plan and workout and then have a cheat meal. This is the reason we asked you to have it at the end of the week. When you earn it you can consume extra calories guilt free and feel good that you are following the diet plan.

  • Choose cheat meals carefully

The best thing for weight loss is mindful eating. Keep this mind while choosing a cheat meal and choose foods that are delicious and nutritious as well.

  • Don’t cheat when hungry

Source Healthline
Source Healthline

Eating a cheat meal when you are starving may cause you to eat more. Always consume green tea with a biscuit or a fruit or a glass of milk/juice before having a cheat meal.

  • Don’t skip the workout

After having a cheat meal do not forget to hit the gym the next day. And if you don’t go to the gym then you can try dancing, yoga, running and walking etc as daily work out will help you lose weight quickly.


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