The Most Delicious Low Carb Snacks Ever

Hard- Boiled Eggs

Craving for snacks in the evening is common and every one of us ends up having snacks high in carbs and fats too! But to maintain your diet plan and to satisfy your craving here we have some delicious low carb snacks for you to nibble on!

Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt

A healthy protein boosts Greek Yogurt does not fill you up with fat or sugar. It also helps you feel fuller for few hours. TO make it tastier add cinnamon or chia seeds.



When we talk of walnuts, they are winners in the low-carb category. Having about 14 nuts just add 8 grams of carbs. Make a quick apple and walnut salad if you have had a light lunch.

Hard- Boiled Eggs

Hard- Boiled Eggs

Eggs are amazing! They pack tons of nutrients. It has been found that a hard-boiled egg has less than one gram of carbs and are a powerhouse of protein which can satisfy your snack craving and wouldn’t add calories.

Tuna Salad

Tuna Salad

Tuna salad as a snack is a great idea. Just add a few vegetables like diced celery, cucumber slices, salt and a few cracks of packaged tuna for a great snack.


Having half cup of this soybean finger food (its roasted versions is yum) will add crunch to your salad and is satisfying. These beans carry less than 10 grams of total carbs, thus will not add much to your intake.

Nut Butter

Nut Butter

Having a tablespoon of rich nut butter is satisfying. One can check the carbs looking that it has no added sugar or salt. You can also have a green banana but make sure its green as the more it ripens is the more its starch converts into sugar.


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