Everyday Lifestyle Habits to Follow For Breast Care

Breast cancer is a scary topic for every woman, we worry about developing it more than heart diseases. So it is important for you to note that a lot of your daily habits affect your breast health. Exercise and a healthy diet can make you healthy, but there are some other everyday habits as well. Check out the list of habits that you need to follow for to take care of your breast health: 

Eating a meal that is rich in fruits and vegetables can reduce your risk of getting breast cancer by 19%. So include carrots, melons, sweet potatoes, spinach, and red peppers in your diet. 


  • Limit alcohol

A glass of wine with dinner may make no difference, but drinking daily can take a toss. Limiting alcohol to one drink a day reduces the risk of breast cancer by as much as one third. 

  • Watch your weight 

It is important for women to keep a healthy weight. Women who have a normal body mass index of about 18 to 25 are less likely to have breast health issues, including breast cancer.

  • Take your vitamins 

Women who have low levels of Vitamin D might have a greater risk of developing breast cancer, so keep a check on your vitamin levels especially vitamin D. The natural source of getting this is the sun. 

  • Stay hydrated

Keep drinking water as staying hydrated is good in many ways

  • Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil

 A little extra virgin olive oil might decrease the risk of breast cancer. 

  • Get some sleep 

Try to sleep between six and nine hours every night. Studies show sleeping for less than six hours each night increases a woman’s risk by nearly 50%. 


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