A Healthy Diet For Kids Boosts Their Self-Esteem

Kids nowadays love sugar and processed food, this early processed food trap is dangerous and an all new study highlights why we must give our children healthier food. A study recently published by the journal BMC Public Health shows that a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables, with a limited intake of fat and refined sugars, may promote better self-esteem and fewer emotional and strong peer relationships in children. The finding indicates that consumption of fruits and vegetables, sugar and fat is associated with the better well-being of the child.

healthy diet for kids

“We found that in young children there is an association between adherence to healthy dietary guidelines and better psychological well-being, which includes fewer emotional problems, better relationships with other children and higher self-esteem,” said Louise Arvidsson, from The Sahlgrenska Academy, at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, to a reputed newspaper.

healthy diet for kids

Fish intake 2-3 times per week was also associated with better self-esteem and no peer and emotional problems. Intake of wholemeal products also promotes no peer problems. A study published in the journal BMC Public Health, a team of 7,675 children of the age group of 2-9 from eight European countries- Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, and Sweden were examined. All the kids were given a healthy dietary Adherence Score (HDAS) plan based on five guidelines:

• Limiting Sugar
• Limiting fat
• Preferring whole meal over refined grains
• Eating 500gm of vegetables and fruits daily
• Eating fish 2-3 times in a week

After some time, it was observed that the HDAS was linked with better self-esteem, fewer peer problems, and emotional issues. The finding suggests that a healthy diet can improve well-being in children.


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