How Navratri Fast Can Do Wonders for your Digestive System

Source- Veg Recipes of India

“We fast not to please the divine, but to cleanse our body.” – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Many people fast but not only for religious purpose as few do it for health too as fasting has many health benefits and also has a significant impact on your digestive system. 


If you have been thinking of giving your digestive system a break than keep a fast and stick to satvik eating to keep your digestive system healthy.

Teaches self-discipline

Keeping a fast teaches how to keep yourself disciplined.  Since the list of food items you can consume during this time is limited, you learn how to avoid junk food and include healthier snacks in your diet. 

Less production of Insulin (controlled blood sugar level)

The body secretes less Insulin during the fasting period and hence increases the sensitivity in people with low insulin resistance. 

Prevents constipation 

Satvik diet includes fruits, lemon water, sendha namak, etc  which are easy on your digestive system thus it prevents constipation and dehydration in the body 

Improves organ function 

Fasting is known to aid the process of ketosis which helps burn fat reserves. This makes it easier for your kidneys, lungs, and liver to work thus improving their function. 


These are some of the benefits of fasting. Apart from this, it also improves the immune system and helps you brush up your cooking skills and you can also spend some quality time with your family. 


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