Interesting Ways to Add Beetroot to your Diet

Source Sci-News
Source Sci-News

Among the long list of vegetables, beetroot has emerged as one of the super foods that promote overall health. It is a blood-building herb that detoxifies the blood and fills it with minerals and natural sugar. Not only this but this veggie is also loaded with potassium, folic acid, and fiber but is yet low in calories. We have always been eating beetroot in salads only, but did you know there are more ways to consume this superfood? Check out some interesting ways to include it in your diet:


If you don’t like eating raw then you can enjoy its juice. For great taste you can blend the juice with other veggies like carrot and tomatoes, the juice will become healthier and you will get the same nutrition. Also regular intake of beetroot juice can purify your blood and promote blood circulation.

  • Beetroot paranthas

Source Archana's Kitchen
Source Archana’s Kitchen

Yes, beetroot paranthas can be great for you if you don’t like its taste. The pink colored paranthas will surely make you want to eat them. Add beetroot into a mix of wheat flour, ginger, green chili, salt, and oil. Make the paranthas and serve them with curd or chutney. It is a great way to get the benefits of the superfood.

  • Soup

Source BBC
Source BBC

Beetroot soups are healthy and delicious, they are another way to use beets frequently. Making beet soup at home is easy, take a pan, fill half of it with water add beets to it, let it boil and later add garlic, thyme, and a bay leaf to it. Let the  mixture boil for some time and then serve.

  • Beetroot milkshake

Source eatgood4life
Source eatgood4life

One more delicious way to consume beetroot is drinking its milkshake. You will surely love the beautiful pink milkshake with a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla ice cream.

  • Cakes or pastries

Source GoodtoKnow
Source GoodtoKnow

The most interesting and wonderful way to add beets to your diet is to consume it in baked goods. It is also a healthy way to reduce some fat and sugar in cakes. A common way beet is used in baking is shredded or pureed form, you can use it in cakes, muffins and in breads as well. With the light, the natural sweetness of beets, the flavors of your baked goods can be improved.


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