Is Carb Cycling Effective?

effects of carb-cycling
Source- Daily Mail

About Carb Cycling

Consumption of carbohydrates has been in question for a long time. Generally, health experts do not advise to exclude an entire group of macronutrients from diets to achieve any kind of results but for some people, it has worked. However, it is not considered to be a long term solution.

Carb-cycling involves alternating your carbohydrate intake on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, depending on your goals, health condition, body type etc.

The mechanism of carb-cycling

A typical weekly carb cycling diet may include two high-carb days, two moderate-carb days and three low-carb days. Protein intake is usually similar between days, whereas fat intake varies based on the carb intake. A high-carb day normally means low-fat, whereas the low-carb days are high-fat.

People consider this pattern of alternating carbohydrates to be the best way to build muscles and lose fat.  People who are physically active stick to eating more carbs on days they are exercising and less on the days they are not. This helps the body in using up glycogen reserves and affects the intensity of training.  It also elevates the Insulin level in the body that is associated with muscle tissue preservation along with the promotion of muscle growth.

Effect of carb-cycling on body

This carbohydrate restricting diet has worked for many people but does not have enough medical studies to back up the effects or to prove that alternating carb intake has caused the body to lose fat.

It should also be noted that staying in calorie-deficit remains the key here. The choice of macros will not make up for the extra calories you consume each day.

To conclude, Carb-cycling can be beneficial for people who are at medical risk due to their weight or for high-performing athletes.


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