List of Highly Infected Items

Source thoughtco
Source thoughtco

With the increasing cases of coronavirus, the situation is getting worse. But we are still going on with our daily lives though in a refined way but we can’t help to come in contact with high germ-infested places and items. We all should practice general hygiene these days and try not to touch unnecessary items. So here is the list of places or items that you should think before handling:

Petrol pumps have 11,000 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat. A lot of people hold the handle without washing hands before pumping petrol.

  • Escalator handle

You should think twice before touching the escalator handrail. Because you never know how many people have touched that? Better to take precautions.

  • ATM buttons

A lot of people visit ATMs daily, so wash your hands after using an ATM.

  • Public transport handles

While traveling in public transport try not to touch the handles and pillars. Many people travel through it daily, so it is highly germ-infested. Keep sanitizing your hands while traveling in public transport.

  • Car handles

Public car door handles might contain the same amount of germs as any public transport handle. So be cautious while touching it.

  • Public door entrances

You don’t have any choice other than touching few door handles. So keep sanitizing and washing your hands.

  • Lift buttons


A lot of people use elevators, so sanitize your hands after using them.


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