Things You Must Know About Thalassemia

Most Important Things that you must know about Thalassemia

World Thalassemia Day is celebrated every year on 8th of May to spread the awareness about this problem amongst common people. The day was established by the World Health Organization to increase the public awareness about this disorder, prevention actions and ways to avoid it. Today we share everything you must know about this blood disorder.

Symptoms of Thalassemia

Though the symptoms of thalassemia can vary, some of the most common ones are:

Most Important Things that you must know about Thalassemia
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• Bone deformities, particularly in the face
• Dark urine
• Late growth and development
• Extreme drowsiness and tiredness
• Yellow or pale skin

If it is left untreated, it may cause:
• Bloated liver, spleen, and heart.
• Thin and stiff bones
• Severe anemia
• Congestive heart failure.
• Unnatural Death

How is it Diagnosed?

Most Important Things that you must know about Thalassemia

Thalassemia is generally detected during pregnancy or after birth. Before getting pregnant just get your partner’s and your blood test done to know that whether you’re a carrier of thalassemia or not. This will make you sure and there will be no risk for the child too.You must get your test done before you’re 10 weeks pregnant, so you and your partner have time to go for the further tests to find out that your baby will be born with thalassemia or not.


Most Important Things that you must know about Thalassemia
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Patients with thalassemia minor generally do not need any precise treatment but, patients with Thalassemia major have to go for proper treatment. Regular Blood transfusions are the only cure for the children who are suffering from Thalassemia major. Most thalassemia major patients need transfusions every 2-4 weeks. Although iron is necessary to the body but excess  can lead to organ failure and death so, with these transfusions  patients have to go for a chelation therapy which removes iron load from the body.

Current situation

Medical science is improving day by day and there is a hope that someday a cure will definitely come that will improve the life probability and quality of life further for those living with thalassemia.  Though things have improved and adult patients are living a healthy life and some have children too.


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