New Year Resolutions to your ultimate happiness

Doing Sattvic activities

There are many home remedies and tasks we perform in our lives to be happy. It is truly the small things that count and make us stay happy which aids our beauty too. Ayurveda says that there are many things to look for more than just topical treatments for external beauty. Both internal and external factors are important in making you happy and look beautiful. Here is the to-do-list resolution for this New Year that you should focus on a better healthier life:

Get rid of negativity

Get rid of Negativity

It is not difficult to look beautiful when you are happy. Negativity and stress often bring about a dullness on your face and increases acne, obesity, and hair loss etc. The chemical-based creams give you temporary solutions but these do not offer permanent relief. Getting rid of negativity and do what actually makes you happy. Most importantly regain that mental balance.

Improve sleeping habits

Insomnia is very common nowadays. Trying going to bed by 10 PM and avoiding electronics by your bedside should be your BIGGEST resolution for you this year. A resolution to stay away from computers before sleep, not sleeping near a lot of plugs, closing blinds before sleeping and applying some oil to the soles of feet is all that you need to do.



Meditation is the best promise for your well being this coming New Year. This helps balance anger, fear and other extreme positions. During meditation, you breathe deeply this helps minimize stress and lowers the heart rate and blood pressure. Meditation has an overall impact on the beauty of an individual.

Healthy eating

Healthy eating

In Ayurveda, there are many treatments that help to heal the mind and for a nice health. For nutrition, the resolution you can take is to have healthy vegetables, grains, salads, fruits, nuts, seeds, honey etc. One needs to avoid the microwave friendly, frozen, preserved and fried foods. A resolution to give your body healthy food with moderate consumption of alcohol, caffeine etc is the best to do this New Year.

Doing Sattvic activities

Doing Sattvic activities

These activities include yoga, gentle exercise, listening to music, gardening or trying something innovative. By doing this you are helping yourself to be calm, quiet, and mentally strong.

Focusing on diet and digestion

Focusing on diet and digestion

Focusing on the dietary intakes is important to maintain a healthy body. Ayurveda says that if your digestion is good, it automatically help you remain disease free. Looking after the diet and digestion is very important as without staying healthy one can’t stay happy and beautiful.

Follow a regular schedule

Follow a regular schedule

A key Ayurvedic health tip for remaining happy and stress-free is following a regular schedule. This can only be done if you have a defined time daily for sleeping, getting up, exercising, eating, working etc. The more we follow a defined cycle, the more it’s easy to be stress-free. It saves your time too and you are more energized even at the end of the day.

For staying beautiful and happy, the inner health should be the first priority and these are what you need to do.


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