Post-COVID Stress: Ayurvedic Lifestyle Solutions for Coronavirus Survivors

The coronavirus does not only affect people physically but mentally as well. When talking about mental health, stress plays a major role and stress is the element that throws our nervous system out of balance and adversely affects the functioning of various systems in the body. Overthinking can lead to anxiety, mood swings that is why you need to treat stress. So here are some simple tips as per Ayurveda to help you fight stress. 

  • Plan your routine 

A well-planned daily routine is important in order to bring positive changes in the body and mind. It helps to regularize a person’s biological system by improving digestion, absorption, and assimilation. At a mental level, it brings peace so plan what you are going to do the whole day, this will bring positive changes in your life. 

  • Meditation 

Practice some relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga. Meditation helps in improving concentration and leads to the development of a peaceful mind. It will surely help you in releasing stress. 

  • Eat healthily 

When you eat healthy food it can work as a medicine for your body so consume food that is beneficial for you. Try to eat freshly cooked, warm, and seasonal vegetables. Also, choose your quantity wisely and also eat ginger, turmeric, and black pepper as they help in reducing stress.  

  • Sleep well 

Take out some time to relax before bed to ensure good sleep and reduces stress. Take a hot shower or bath before bedtime as it help in relieving stress. You can also go for a massage as it relaxes the muscles. Drink green tea before bed, for great sleep. 


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