Proved: Bani J is a Fitness Freak!

Bani J’s Insta is a true motivation for every fitness freak

Bani J is one of those popular stars who gained name and fame in the industry within a very short period of time. Though she just came as a normal participant in Roadies 4 but her true hard work and dedication made her reach the high peaks of success. She has completely transformed herself and is also a live example of showcasing that women are no less than men.

The bold lady is often in the buzz because of the toned body she has maintained and is also known as the muscle queen. Besides this, Bani is also popular because of her belief in breaking the typical stereotypes of our society. Her entire Instagram is full of her amazing pictures and fitness routines she follows in the gym.

She is a true inspiration for every person who wants to be fit and along with her tough workouts, she also gives tips &  uploads her diet plans for people. From lifting heavy weights to daring headstands and push-ups she never stays back in sweating hard for her body and never misses her workout. Check out some of her best fitness posts below which will surely give you goose bumps and an inspiration to stay healthy.


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For everyone asking, I’m doing a programme w @the_muscle_doc – I was looking for a coach (lowkey s/o to the OG @krisgethin who lead me to JS) who would personalise my training based on specific goals (and if you’re familiar w Jordans mantra – that’d be Mobility Stability & Strength, the holy trinity✊🏻) Currently on week 5 and it’s hella hard. The hardest part for me has been taking a rest day a week if not 2 back to back days off since I usually take no days off lol- simply because my body has never struggled so much lifting specific percentages and ‘wave loads’. The stability work has alleviated all my hip soreness/ pain. My body’s never felt better and I’m definitely feeling as strong as I look AYYY. Steady at 2500+ cals and over 300grams of carbs. Life is good. _________________________ I’ve never though twice about reaching out for help in regards to my training/ coaching / nutrition especially when it’s for something I want to do for as long as I possibly can, in as healthy a state as possible. In this case, it’s lifting. (#LiftLife) You can only get on a path to achieve this by actually working w people that are educated in these respective fields and put it to work everyday. (This is something I’m pretty sure I learnt from you @krisgethin, back in the day day). Don’t just listen to your bros in the gym or look at what the latest fitspo trend is on your explore page, invest in your knowledge and actually learn about how nutrition works, about a systematic approach on a weekly monthly basis to training. And do that day in and day out, consistently. No excuses. #✊🏻 #therewasamomentwhereilookedatmyinstafeedandiwaslikewherearemyliftlifepics #lol #andwe’reback #didntgoanywhere #gaintrain #investinyourowndamnself #noshortcuts #fortheloveoftheLift #nooneelseisgoingtodotheworkforyou #🍁

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Constantly being pulled to do more balancing 🤸🏻‍♀️ I’m trying to find my centre here and balance my weight training 🏋🏻‍♀️ with all the hand balancing work that is just as demanding if not more – a practise in terms of mindfulness and body awareness. You just can’t fool your consciousness, you need to be wholly present for all of this. It’s a whole other trip. And highly addictive. Equally rewarding as it is challenging. #apractiseinFindingYourBalanceifyouwill #insideyourtrainingandoutsideofit #thatswhatmakesitaTruePractise #handbalance #handbalancing #onearmhandstand #climbing #gymnastics #awholeothertrip #translatingStrength #movementLife #liftLife Ps: this is like 10 days after I posted the last video of me doing the same movement, already such progress in control and stability

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🐎 Yo I wrote a long ass informative caption that totally disappeared cuz Instagram lost my previously uploading video midway ayy 🤦🏻‍♀️ ____________________________ Ima just summarise it with there’s no shortcut to quality muscle gains, you gotta do the work inside the gym and especially outside of it, day in and day out. Commit to it, make it a LIFESTYLE, it’s worth it. WHOLE FOODS for life. I’ve never been an advocate for removing an entire food group (carbs) from ones daily nutrition. Makes 0 sense to me, and will probably cause a lot of intolerance to said food group later on :/ Also give your mind and body a break – by being in it for the long haul, not the 3 month transformation or the shaadi season body or the Goa new year dance party. FFS. Lol. Commit to your damn self and you’ll see the growth, for real. PS : caloric surplus for LAIFEEE PPS : carbivore for laife. PPPS: TAG a gym homie that really needs to stop skipping Leg day LOL. #qualitygainz #consistencytimeeffort #thatfullness #thankyoucarbs #gaintrain #doyoubooboo #skwatlife #LiftLife #ayyysomanyhappyendorphinstoday #alsoiknowpplgonnaasksoI’vebeenliftingseriouslyfor6yrsnow #goodthingstakeTime #allowit

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Always chasing my next challenge. #DoYou @pumaindia

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For everyone asking ‘what you eat?!’ ‘how you make your body’ ‘what makes this ‘Gains’ lol. • Just got home from a grocery run, this here is my usual go to food items for any of my meals. • B+ blood groups are allergic to white meat so I don’t eat chicken anymore🐓 When in india I stick to red meat, eggs, and fish. • Carb sources are Brown rice, white rice, oats, sweet potatoes and dates (I fallen in love w/ dates as of late) • Fat sources a lot of dry fruits, whole eggs, coconut oil/ olive oil, avocados (I don’t eat 🥑 here much for some reason prefer it in smoothies) any kind of butter ie peanut or almond (slather the ish out of it on my beloved pancakes 🥞, you know it). I’m off protein as a supp since I’d just much rather get it in via food as opposed to a shake. Gimme more food to eat lol. ___________________________ #totheGains #ibetterputallthisinthefridgenow #typicalgroceryrun #morelikeawalk #okslightJog #gainTrain #eattoGrow #ifyouthinkyoureeatingalot #youredefnot #donotbeafraidtoEat #eatcleanthatis #blessup

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Lift life. Glute bridge bench press. ___________________________ Playing what feels like major catch up with time, which really is a joke because there’s no catching up with time, ever. You ever feel like that? Like you’re just running from one thing to another and everything’s just barely in your grasp? Definitely not enough hours in a day. Times like this, work, headache, too long gaps between meals, hours spent getting traffucked, lead to major clarity for me. I prioritise the things that really matter then. Filter out the bullshit. Get the food in when I can, hit the numbers, show up to lift even though I can’t fathom lifting sh*t, play with patch and ofcourse, don’t forget to call Mom. I like that about life. I miss the stillness but rushing constantly makes me nostalgic af for it. Head above water. Some days you ride the wave 🌊, others you get caught in the tide. We’ll all float on, okay 🤙🏼💙 #tothestillness #prioritise #headabovewater #hightide #floaton #liftlife #theconsistency 📷 by @roephotography 🙏🏼

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Pretty much cried on the inside all throughout my workout today and not just because it was challenging – thanks @mustafa_max84 – but because sometimes people just causally walk into your life and say the most honest & sweet things restoring your faith in all of humanity in just a nano second. So here’s a snippet of me quietly pushing myself while really wanting to fucking bawl my eyes out. I guess that makes me hardcore and a real softy at the same damn time 🤷🏻‍♀️🍦💛 __________________________________________________ #emomofo #stillgonnatrainthroughit #thankstothose36″arms #faithrestored #trainthroughitall #everyday #everyemotion #imbasicallyasoftywithabs #cholesterolfree #gmofree #justgimmesomesweetpotatofriesandimset #whowantssome #toomany

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