Recipe: Quinoa Salad with Zucchini Hummus

Quinoa salad with Zucchini is one of the salad recipes that you need if you are looking for a tasty salad option on the diet. Check out its recipe below:


Red quinoa 50 gms
Bell pepper 20 gms
Broccoli 10 gms
Onion 05 gms
Garlic 05 gms
Salt 02 gms
Black pepper 01 gms
Parsley 05 gms
Olive Oil 05 ml
Lemon juice 05 ml



Peeled zucchini: 50 gms
Tahini paste: 05 gms
Garlic: 05 gms
Salt: 02 gms
Lemon juice: 02 ml
Olive oil: 05 ml
Paprika powder : according to taste


For Quinoa

1. Soak red quinoa in water for almost 2-3 hrs before cooking
2. Let it cook with salt and double the amount of water with the closed lid
3. Strain and keep aside
4. Fine chop onion, garlic and bell pepper and sauté
5. Add these to the cooked quinoa, adjust seasoning and add lemon juice

For Zucchini hummus

1. Add zucchini, garlic, and tahini paste to the blender and blend it finely
2. Now take out in a bowl and adjust seasoning and add lemon juice
3. Keep it in a freezer

Now take a salad bowl, place Quinoa on top of lettuce and place zucchini hummus on the side.