Reasons to Add Pasta to your Diet!

Source- Creative Market

Most people aren’t able to lose weight as they completely remove their favorite food from their diet which can lead to cravings and ultimately giving into them. Pasta is one such thing that think is high on calories which is why they completely avoid eating it.

On the contrary, pasta is a staple of the Mediterranean diet which has been proven through years of research to be a healthy dietary pattern. There are many reasons to not avoid pasta and even more to include it in your diet. Here is what you should know about it.

Contains complex carbohydrates

Not many know that consumption of complex carbohydrates is encouraged and pasta made using that is healthy. Pair it up with lots of veggies and a source of protein to make it a complete meal.

Low on sodium

It is a great option for people looking to cut out excess salt from their diet. Most kinds of pasta taste delicious even if you don’t add any salt in the sauce and pasta itself is low on sodium.


There are many variants of pasta that are folic acid-enriched and supply 25 percent of daily need.

Does not contain fat

It is a myth that pasta is fattening. Eating anything in excess can lead to weight gain. Pasta contains carbohydrates but you can add cheese to include healthy fats in your diet. You can even make a low-calorie sauce if you don’t want to make it a heavy meal.

It is gluten-free

People who are following a gluten-free diet or are allergic to it can easily have pasta as it does not contain gluten. You can find many brands that make this variant.

Keep Blood Sugar in Control

Pasta can help keep blood sugar regulated due to its low glycemic index. This can also help prevent diabetes and obesity.


It is a versatile food which can be enjoyed as a starter, a side dish, or the main event.

Here are some reasons that will encourage you to add pasta to your diet. There are various types and shapes of pasta available in the market and countless recipes to experiment with.


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