Simple Ways to Treat PCOS

Source singlecare
Source singlecare

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS is a hormonal and reproductive imbalance that affects women. Women suffering from this condition suffer from excessive weight gain, acne, ovarian cysts and hair growth of the face or other parts of the body, and also irregular menstrual cycles. 

Experts say, “According to research by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, it was concluded, at least 1 in 4 women suffer from this hormonal disorder in India. To begin with, there is no single or actual cause of PCOS and the symptoms vary from person to person, hence a more personalized and holistic approach is of utmost importance.”

Though its always good to consult a doctor but along with that we share some natural ways to treat this condition: 

Women having PCOS have higher levels of stress because they are adrenal run. Stress can increase levels of a hormone called cortisol that is responsible for insulin production and can worsen PCOS related side effects. To relieve stress practice meditation and restorative exercises like yoga to relieve stress. It is also important to maintain a healthy sleep cycle to keep the hormones in balance. 

  • Include herbal tea in your routine 

PCOS often results in a slow metabolism and that‘s why it is advised to add herbal infusions to your routine. A few years back when I was diagnosed with PCOS I started intake of green coffee and tea and it really helped me deal with the situation, shares Harnita Mehta, an IT professional. 

  • Workout is must 

Make sure you go for swimming, running, jogging, walking, or cycling for 30-40 minutes and keep this routine consistent. 

  • Decrease your caffeine intake 

Coffee is great to start your day but it is not good for your body as it can lead to various problems and complications. 

  • Watch your diet

Managing your diet is very important in PCOS. A diet high in refined carbohydrates, such as starchy and sugary foods, can make insulin resistance and  weight loss difficult.


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