Organic milk is the milk raised according to organic farming methods. The milk must come from a cow that has not been given antibiotics and hormones- for either reproduction or growth. Also, the cow’s feed must be grown organically without chemical fertilizers, pesticides or modified seeds. Organic dairy cows are fed organic feed, they have stricter guidelines pertaining to outdoor grazing access. Whereas in regular milk conventional feed is given to cows which often has antibiotics mixed in as a preventative measure and hormones to increase milk production.

Organic milk costs high than ordinary milk, but is overloaded with health benefits and has higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids, CLA, antioxidants and more vitamins than regular milk. Check out why organic milk is better than conventional milk
Full of Omega 3 fatty acid
Organic milk consists of more Omega 3 than non-organic milk. Omega3 is an essential fatty acid which is required for healthy growth of the body. The regular intake of omega 3 fatty acids protect you from various diseases and helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, inflammation, cancer, and arthritis.
More antioxidants
It contains two or three times higher amount of antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin than regular milk. Lutein is extremely vital for eye health and is effective in preventing numerous eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts. Zeaxanthin is also important for the same and protects the eye from UV damage. It is very helpful in preventing cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration.
Longer shelf life
One of the major advantages of organic milk over regular milk is its shelf life. Most of the brands sterilize organic milk at a very high temperature so that it can be kept for two months. As normal milk is pasteurized at 165 F or lower it doesn’t have the same shelf life.
No chemical contamination
Organic cows are feed organically grown pastures, hence, their milk is not contaminated with harmful chemicals such as the residues of pesticides, fertilizers, and hormones.
Top 5 brands of organic milk in India?
- Oleche
- Sarda farms (Nasik)
- Pride of cows (Pune)
- Doctor Moo (Mumbai)
- Wholly cows (Delhi-NCR)