Why People are Getting a Sore Throat from Wearing a Mask 

source cnbc
source cnbc

One of the most important things to prevent the risk of coronavirus infection is wearing a mask. It stops the virus present in the air from entering into our respiratory tract and causing infection. Several studies have suggested that masks can reduce the risk of contagion by 50 percent. That is the main reason why people are asked to wear masks before stepping out of their houses. However, a lot of people are complaining of acne outbreak, anxiety, foggy glasses due to prolonged usage of masks, and now there is a new issue that people are facing: sore throat. Here is the reason why this is happening. 

Mask and sore throat:

By now all of us must are following the practice of keeping our surroundings clean. But most of us make the mistake of not washing out masks regularly. Well, it is an important step to reduce the risk of exposure to germs and bacteria. 

If you are not wearing a clean mask, the bacteria, virus, and dust on the mask can lead to a sore throat. These particles tend to stay on the mask when you use them without washing for a long time. The tiny particles pass on to the throat causing irritation and pain. People with weak immunity and those allergic to dust or pollen particles are more prone to this reaction.

Also, when people wear masks, they speak louder in order to be audible. This can also put unnecessary pressure on the throat leading to irritation. 

How to prevent this: 

Washing your mask is as important as washing your hands. After every use, wash your mask with warm water and soap. Let your mask dry in sunlight before wearing it again. Use different masks so that you can use them alternatively. 

Avoid touching your mask frequently and wash your hands properly before and after wearing it. 

If you are going out for a little period of time use surgical masks (you can use and throw them). 


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