Why You Should Eat Banana in Winter

Source- consumer.es
Source- consumer.es

It is freezing cold and layering up on sweaters and jackets isn’t cutting it anymore? While it is almost impossible for you to head out of the house without carrying warm sweaters and long coats, you shouldn’t forget about food items that will help you fight the cold outside.

Fruits are known to be rich in many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants but did you know banana is more than just an ideal pre-workout fruit?

Banana is a rich source of Magnesium and supplies up to 10 percent of its daily recommended intake while magnesium plays a role in body temperature regulation. Here are more reasons why you should include banana in your diet during winters.

Good source of B vitamins

It is not only important to stay warm but you should also take care of your daily nutritional requirement.  A banana gives you a good dose of vitamin B and it ensures the cells in your body are functioning properly. Apart from that, it also plays a role in the health maintenance of cells.

Provides instant energy

Winters bring out your lazy side and you hardly feel like being productive. Bananas contain carbohydrates and sugar which energizes you instantly and gives you a boost to carry on with your day.

Improves bone health

Weak bones can make it really hard for people to get through winters. Bananas improve bone health as well and contain compounds that reduce inflammation.

Builds immunity

Mashed bananas are recommended for infants as it helps in building immunity.  It contains minerals that improve immunity and help in fighting off common cough and cold.

They can easily be added to your smoothies and cereals. You can also have them with peanut butter toast or make banana bread too!


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