Yoga Exercises to Do at Home During Periods

Source- Yoga Journal

When it is that time of the month, many women just want to curl up in bed till the days pass. Some also experience cramps and deal with mood swings caused by hormonal fluctuation. Resting for a while and keeping a heating pad close can help but did you know light exercises can help relieve the pain as well?

Performing light exercises can help you with the cramps and can even put you in a better mood. So we tell you some yoga stretches that you can easily perform at home. 


  •  Baddha Konasana


  • Helps ease fatigue 
  • Stretches groin, inner thighs, and knees 
  • Improves blood circulation 

Janu Sirsasana


  • Helps improve digestion
  • Relieves anxiety 
  • Helps relieve mild depression 


 Upavistha Konasana


  • Strengthens the spinal cord 
  • Exercises core muscles 
  • Helps tone abdominal muscles




  • Calms the mind and relieves mild depression 
  • Helps improve digestion 
  • May give relief from headache 


Bridge pose 


  • Strengthens back and glutes 
  • Improves soreness in legs 
  • Opens hip flexor muscles 


Here are some yoga poses that you can try at home. If you feel like you can move around, try brisk walking, jogging or skipping as these activities can help relieve cramps as well. 


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