Yoga Poses That Test Your Strength


Yoga is not just stretching and relaxing the body but practicing daily builds strength in the body and mind. There are many yoga postures that generate power in the body with many that even tests it. Here we tell you some yoga poses to test your body’s strength. Check it out!

Forearm plank

It a good one to start when want to strengthen core and arm. There are many who cannot perform full plank, so for them forearm plank is a good one to start with. Stay in the forearm plank pose for some time and as your strength increases doing it regularly, increase its timing. Start with hands and knees and forearms shoulder-width apart.


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After successfully doing forearm plank and plank with knees-down variation, move on to this full pose. For planks you need to start with hands and feet. Feet toes should be tucked with shoulder and wrists in line. Make sure to engage your shoulder blades too and do not lock the elbows. Start with doing for 30 seconds then increase the timing slowly.


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Once this exercise is balanced, possibly all arm balance exercises are possible. In this one needs to engage the shoulder girdle while flexing the spine. It is important to regularly practice Bakasana as it develops strength and tests the increase in power day by day as you perform daily.


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This pose tests the alignment of the shoulder and spine. It is recommended to start with 10 breaths and increase slowly as strength and alignment improves.  Headstand improves focus and mental stability too.

Shoulder Press-Pose

Making a standing forward pose place hands on ground behind your heels or say behind knees. Squeeze the things into shoulder and lean the butt backwards. Breathe for some time and rest. This pose tests the strength of hands, feet and the body’s balancing capability.


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It is one of the greatest tests as one need to balance the whole body on hands. It requires strength of both body and mind. Handstand builds a strong shoulder and core and is to be done without fearing to fall while performing it. After learning, it can be used to further develop strength through transitions.

Four-pronged staff posture

This yoga push up position builds healthy shoulder alignment. Regularly practicing it builds inner determination and solidity in strength.


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