Yoga Poses to Help You With Constipation

Yoga not only calms your mind and stretches the muscles in the body but also provides relief from many health problems. People who have high blood pressure, hormonal issues, stress, and depression are often recommended to practice Yoga. 

Another health issue that the regular practice of Yoga can solve is constipation. An unhealthy lifestyle, poor quality of food, stress, and a hectic schedule can affect your bowel movements and lead to digestive problems. 

Practicing yoga provides relief from constipation in two ways: Reducing stress and digestive massage. The breathing techniques can help you release stress and the asanas increase blood and oxygen flow which stimulates healthy bowel movements. 

Here are some yoga asanas that can help relieve constipation and you can easily do it at home.

Matsyasana Twist



Balasana – Child’s Pose




Here are some Yoga poses that can help you with constipation and other digestive problems. Apart from exercise and practicing yoga, make sure your diet contains enough fiber. Include more leafy vegetables, fruits, oats, and other nutritious food items to tackle this problem. Nutritionists also suggest drinking plenty of water as it helps in smoother bowel movements. Also take effective ways to manage your stress as it also affects your digestive system.