Dead Butt Syndrome: Why You Should Not Sit for Too Long

Source- Evolve Chiropractic

Do you have the habit of sitting for too long? Well then this can have serious consequences. Most of us have a desk job that requires to sit on chair or in one place for hours. We all know this is not recommended and people are told to get up and take a walk every few hours but did you know that apart from health problems, it can also cause dead butt syndrome?

Dead butt syndrome or gluteal amnesia is observed when the rear part of a human body is unable to stabilize pelvis due to inactivity. Our bodies are not meant to be seated in one place for a long time and long periods of inactivity can cause this syndrome. Here is what you should know about it:

It leads to compromised range of motion

Sitting on your butt for too long can affect the range of motion of your muscles and that can lead to ineffective muscle activation.

Your muscle do not ‘die’ literally

The rear muscles lose their ability to function properly but do not actually die inside your body. Proper exercising may be required to revive them and that can take a lot of time.

It can affect other parts of body

People may not notice any problem with the rear muscles in the beginning but they may experience frequent pain in the knees and foot before the inactivity sets in.

People who exercise can also experience it

People who perform some sort of exercise are also at risk of suffering from dead butt syndrome. This may happen due to improper activation of glutes.

The best way to prevent this from happening is by making sure to get up from your place every few hours. Set reminder in your phone and take a short walk across your hall or room to make sure you move enough throughout the day.


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