The Truth about Acai Bowls

There are many breakfast recipes that became popular quickly and the acai bowl is one of them.  Acai is usually recognized as fruit smoothie bowls and acai berries are the key ingredient in this breakfast fix.  These berries are native to Brazil and the Southern region of North America and people love to have them as often as they can.  

The fruits most commonly used in making these bowls include bananas, mangoes, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, pomegranate, etc.

But are Acai bowls the ultimate breakfast item? Do these bowls have exceptional health benefits or are just overhyped? Let’s find out.

Benefits of Acai bowl

  • The Acai berries are truly rich in Antioxidants
  • Common fruits used in acai bowls are a great source of essential vitamins like A, B1, B2, B3, C, and E.
  • They can help in better digestion since the fiber is not filtered

Myths about acai bowls

  • It is commonly believed that acai bowls can help with weight loss. This isn’t necessarily true in fact on the contrary; smoothie bowls are quite rich in carbohydrates and sugar. Even if you skip adding additional sugar, fruits anyway contain their own.
  • People believe that including acai bowls in their diet will have a magical anti-aging effect on their body, this is also not true. These bowls sure are rich in antioxidants but won’t magically make your skin tighter or wrinkles disappear.
  • Acai bowls also have no direct effect on libido, as it is a common belief that it does.

Here are a few facts and myths that will clear your doubts about the health benefits of acai bowls. These bowls are a great option for breakfast but do not have any magical effect on health or even weight for that matter. Also, it is important to check calories per bowl as acai bowls are known to be filling as they are heavy on calories.