How COVID-19 Stress is Affecting your Body

The uncertainty surrounding coronavirus has caused people to panic. People have lost their jobs, their routines have changed and many are under immense pressure which is stressing them out. While you are lucky enough to not having COVID-9, this disease is indirectly affecting your health.

 Here are the negative effects of COVID-19 that are causing stress in people which is ultimately leading to compromised health. 

Effect of COVID-19 on mental health

Since it is rampant in almost every city, people are constantly worried about catching coronavirus or fear that their loved ones might catch it too. This may cause anxiety, panic attacks and can be even worse for people already battling depression. 

The stress may cause you to gain weight 

Studies have shown that under stress, your body enters flight or fight mode and also throws of hormonal balance. It can also increase your appetite and you may end up binge eating. This can lead to the development of unhealthy eating habits if it goes unchecked. 

Effect on the menstrual cycle 

An increase in cortisol level can also affect the balance of estrogen and progesterone in the body, two main hormones that control the menstrual cycle in women. 

May increase body ache 

Your muscles may tense up under stress and that can cause unexplained body ache issues. 

It can cause breakouts 

Some people do not respond well to stress and their skin may start to break out.  If you are staying indoors, eating healthy, and even exercising, the reason behind acne breakouts could be stress. 

Here are some ways COVID-19 stress may be affecting your body. Make sure you find healthy ways of coping with this stress until the situation gets better.