Healthy Ways of Celebrating your Baby’s First Diwali

Source: iStock Photo

Diwali is always special for every Indian, but it is more special when it’s your little one’s first. Taking care of a kid is the first responsibility of the parent, especially in these times of corona. So here are some tips for parents to make the first Diwali of their newborn baby healthy and special. 

  • Avoid firecrackers when you have a newborn at home as it will increase the pollution. Remember, babies are extremely vulnerable and may develop respiratory problems because of the smoke.
  • Dress you baby appropriately, go for a comfortable dress so that your child doesn’t feel irritated and annoyed. You can go for some fancy onesies or respective dresses as per their gender. 
  • To make it more special the whole family can twin together. Wear the same clothes and enjoy the festival of love. 
  • Shield the baby from loud noises.
  • Avoid buying sweets from the market, there are many sweets that can be made at home such as dry fruit ladoos, panjri, halwa etc. What is a festival without sweets, so feed your baby and family members some home made sweets. 
  • Keep an air purifier in the room your baby is sleeping in. Newborn’s breathe more rapidly than adults so their room should be clean. 
  • Once your baby is ready do a photoshoot, after all photographs are memories that we can cherish. Click some family photographs as well 
  • It is really important that the parents stay around to keep a check on their babies. Toddlers also feel happy when they are around known faces. 
  • Decorate your home with lights, as kids love lights. But be careful while placing lights, keep them away from kids. 
  • Keep doors and windows of your house closed, to keep your children away from pollution and smog. 


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