Importance of Morning Walk

Source Livestrong

The best and easiest way to stay fit is to go on a morning walk. Though walking itself has various benefits and morning time adds more to the list. Whenever you want to start a healthy lifestyle the first step is to get up early and make a routine to go on a morning walk. Regular morning walk doesn’t only enhance the physical health but mental and emotional  as well. The fresh morning air keeps your nerves calm and improves your mood. 30 minutes of morning walk is equal to two hours of exercising. Since morning walk is has lots of amazing benefits so we list a few of them

As per research, a 20 minute morning walk can help improve your blood sugar levels and helps burn body fats that are not needed. Besides this it also improves the Body Mass Index.

  • Promotes weight loss

If you need to lose weight the easiest way is to go on a morning walk. Nothing can help more than a 30-40 minute brisk walk and you can work out without feeling exhausted. The activity of walking slowly burns calories that contribute to weight loss. The best part is that you can can stick to it lifelong too.

  • Keeps stress away

Source StyleCraze

Source StyleCraze

It is a great way to keep stress away and stress we all know has bad effects on health can even cause depression and anxiety. By improving blood circulation to the brain, walking helps in improving the mood thus keeping stress away. A morning walk will make you feel more relaxed and calm.

  • Beneficial for heart

Researchers suggest that brisk walk can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. By walking you can strengthen your heart and control blood pressure as well. Morning walk may also lower triacylglycerol levels and prevent hypertension.

  • Reduces fatigue

Source independentpharmacy

Source independentpharmacy

Walking in the morning can make you feel refreshed and revitalized. It can eliminate fatigue and boost up your energy levels, making you feel more energized throughout the day.

  • Makes skin glow

Doctors suggest that any exercise that improves blood circulation provides a healthy glow to your skin and there is nothing better than walking. It also delays the signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles and also prevents acne and other skin problems.