Ways to Warm up Before Lifting Weights

Source- Women's Health

Warming up before exercising is important and most people fail to understand the importance. It not only helps in preventing injuries but also improves your performance for the session.  There is no specific way to warm up as the main goal is to increase your body temperature and activate your muscles so that you can start with lifting weights.

The benefits of warming up before lifting weights are endless and some of them include, proper blood flow and oxygen supply, improved stretchability, mental preparation, prevention of injury amongst many more.  Here are some ways to warm up before picking up weights.

Foam Rolling

Light cardio like cycling or jogging

Dynamic warm-up

Static stretching

Light-aerobic routine

Targetted muscle activation

Here are some ways to warm up before exercising. Make sure to lift weights in presence of an expert if you are new to it.


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