Why Menstrual Hygiene Education is Important

Source- Aidsmap

Menstrual hygiene is something that is still discussed in hushed voices. Although it is a normal bodily function but there are many myths surrounding this topic, and important information is withheld due to the stigma attached to it. This can lead to many problems for girls and avoiding this discussion can also increase health risk if people are not educated properly. Here are important reasons why you should look after educating your daughter about menstrual hygiene. 

  • It empowers women to take care of themselves and take responsibility for their bodies. 
  • It helps them become free when they know they are well informed and aware of the right steps to take.
  • Knowing how to use pads, tampons and menstrual cups makes it easier for girls to make choices for themselves and explore their bodies. 
  • It helps them stay in an educational institution and menstruation does not keep them from following their dreams. 
  • Access to menstrual hygiene products makes it easier for girls to learn and work. 
  • It shatters the myths surrounding menstrual hygiene and reveals facts people never knew before.
  • It helps girls living in rural areas understand that periods do not make them impure and that it is a natural bodily function. 
  • It also helps the boys realize that they lack basic knowledge about menstruation and how they can help their female friends during that time of the month.

Here are some reasons why it is important to educate people about menstrual hygiene. Not just girls, telling everyone general facts and giving enough information about menstruation can help women live comfortably and it will eventually stop being a limiting factor for them.


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