Add Red Rice To Your Diet!

Red rice cooked

Red rice has grown popular due to the many health benefits it offers. While it is completely okay to consume white rice, you can include red rice in your diet for its antioxidants and magnesium content. The colour comes from anthocyanins present in it and it tastes a bit different from regular white rice.  We know it’s a new thing  and you are skeptical to try it but we will convince you to add them to your grocery list. 

1.Keeps cholesterol in check

If you have it with bran intact, red rice helps in controlling the bad cholesterol levels. It is recommended for people who are at risk of developing heart problems.

2. Reduces risk of osteoporosis

Red rice contains magnesium which is great for maintaining bone health. It also helps with joint pain if consumed in appropriate quantity.

3. Improves digestion

It contains soluble and insoluble fibre which is essential in the diet. Having an appropriate amount of fibre is important for a healthy digestive system and to get relief from any digestive issues.

4. May prevent asthma

There is scientific evidence that links red rice consumption with improved oxygen circulation in the body. This ensures healthy pulmonary functioning which can help in the prevention of asthma.

5. Great for diabetic patients

Consuming food items with a low glycemic index are recommended for diabetic people and red rice fits perfectly in the list as it helps control blood sugar level.

You can start by slowly adding it to your diet.