Yoga Asanas to Boost Your Metabolism

Yoga is one form of exercise that is encouraged due to its healing powers and countless benefits. It not only helps you stay fit but also has a significant impact on your mental health and general well-being but also has a positive effect on  your metabolism.

The metabolism differs from person to person and involves processes in the body through which energy is derived from the food you consume. An increase in metabolism also boosts the caloric burn in your body, leading to fat loss and slow metabolism can lead to underutilization of nutrients.

There can be many reasons for slow metabolism and lack of sleep, physical activity, and protein in the diet can be a few of them. But practicing certain asanas can surely help in revving up the metabolic rate when done in combination with improved habits and lifestyle.

Here are the asanas that will help boost your metabolism.







Parivrtta Utkatasana


Kapalbhati Pranayam

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana