Can Vitamin D Help You Lose Weight?

Vitamin D and Fat loss
Vitamin D and Fat loss

We all know the benefits of soaking in some sunshine you will be amazed to know that this habit can also contribute to your weight loss. Even though the advantages are clearly known, WHO has shared that over 50 per cent of people worldwide have low levels of Vitamin D.

This fat-soluble vitamin plays an important role in managing fatigue, strengthening the immune system, keeping bone health intact and many other bodily functions.

Deficiency of Vitamin D can play an indirect role in weight gain at many levels but one study at National Center for Biotechnology Information has established a correlation between the fat percentage of the body and lower Vitamin D levels.  Another study at U University Medical Center and Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands have found a relation between Belly fat and lower Vitamin D levels in the body.

The new study included 400 overweight and obese people with vitamin D deficiency who were put on a low-calorie diet and then divided into three groups. One group took no vitamin D supplements, while the two other groups took either 25,000 international units (IU) or 100,000 IU of vitamin D per month. After six months, participants in both vitamin D supplementation groups had lost more weight and had greater reductions in their waistlines than those who hadn’t taken the supplements.


This shows that increasing your Vitamin D intake can have a significant impact on your fat loss goals and this is something that should be given serious consideration.

Keeping a watch on your vitamin D levels can boost your energy, help manage fatigue, reduce chances of osteoporosis, increase nutrient absorption in the body and all this can contributes towards becoming more fit and healthy.

Make sure to get yourself checked and know if your Vitamin D levels are optimum. You can consult with your doctor to understand how to improve that over time.


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