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fruit dessert recipes

Low-Calorie Fruit Desserts to Make at Home

While trying to live a healthy life, many of us give up on temptations and struggle with finding a balance. While it is okay...

Are You A Smartphone Addict? Take This Quiz To Find out

We all are addicted to our smartphones and can't really live without them. The sad part is that smartphones have slowly paved their way...

Try this Low-Calorie Hot Chocolate this Winter

We all love to snuggle up with warm drinks in our hands in brutal months of winters.  The season makes us want to reach...

Benefits of Meditation to Fight Against Coronavirus

As the world deals with coronavirus pandemic, we are asked to stay at our homes and practice social distancing. Often when people are asked...

Important Reasons to Buy Health Insurance

Health is wealth but now air pollution, late hours, busy schedules and everything is contributing in making it worse. Also in a country like...