5 best yoga schools in India

We all are very much aware of benefits of yoga and for some of us it is a daily practice as well; our day...

Yoga Poses for Relaxation

Many times we feel tired and exhausted at the end of the day and want to do something to  relieve  the stress and anxiety....

Best Yoga Asanas For Seniors

As we all know health issues rise with age, our bodies are not what they were initially. Usually, in old age many face health...

New Year Resolutions to your ultimate happiness

There are many home remedies and tasks we perform in our lives to be happy. It is truly the small things that count and...

How Physical Exercise Helps Attain Spiritual Training

Physical exercises do not only imply fitness of the body or perfect outer appearance. Keeping yourself motivated for physical activities daily helps you reap...

Yoga Asanas That Promote Faster Hair Growth

Yoga helps to increase the blood and oxygen flow in the scalp and even nourishes your dry hair. It is not only good for...

Yoga Asanas For Relieving Stress

In this era, everyone is stressed because of something like job security, exams etc. Stress can easily make anyone frustrated which is not good...

How to Ace Vrischikasana

Vrischikasana is an advanced yoga asana which means Scorpion as it resembles a striking scorpion. Scorpion pose pushes us to move past our self-imposed...

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Source Hindustan Times

Best Exercises for Women with PCOS

Women with PCOS should regularly do physical activity as it does not only help in weight management but improves mood and can help with...
Nut butter recipes

5 Nut Butter You Can Easily Make at Home

Nut butter are a good source of healthy fat and micronutrients and serve as a great alternative to dairy butter. Though there are multiple...

Benefits of Drinking Milk Before Bedtime

Most experts say that drinking warm milk before going to bed can help you relax and sleep better after a hectic day. Since ancient...
Low impact exercises

Low Impact Exercises to do Post-COVID for Recovery

Recovering from COVID-19 can take a while, even after testing negative. Many people complain of weakness and fatigue during their recovery and that means...

Post-COVID Stress: Ayurvedic Lifestyle Solutions for Coronavirus Survivors

The coronavirus does not only affect people physically but mentally as well. When talking about mental health, stress plays a major role and stress...