World Glaucoma Week 2018: More about this disease

Glaucoma has emerged as the second commonest cause of blindness in the world with about 8.5 million people concentrated blind due to it. So...

High Chances Of Seasonal Influenza Predicted This Year

This time it is predicted that there may be a rise in incidence of flu in northern hemisphere, including India. After Australia reported a...

High-Fiber diet may help fight type 2 diabetes

Now the fight against type 2 diabetes may soon improve just by introducing high-fiber diet in our daily life. After a study of six...

Foods for Better Sex Life

Everyone wants to have an amazing sex life but that doesn't really happen with many. If you are also one of them and want...

Dash Diet is the renewed way towards health

Many people are not aware about the benefits of dash diet and what exactly a Dash diet is so, here are some important things...

Chinese Giving up Meat to Turn Vegetarian!

China is the world's largest market for beef, pork and poultry. But over the years, Chinese restaurants are looking forward to focusing on healthy...

Heavy Thighs mean Decreased Diabetes Risk: Study

A study reveals that People with heavy thighs have a lower risk of diabetes! Several hospitals have discovered a simple and cost-effective screening to identify...

Interesting Facts about Vagina

"Vagina” which comes from the Latin root meaning “sheath for a sword is an interesting part of the female body. Although you might think...

What is the difference between weight loss and fat loss?

Difference between weight loss and fat loss decoded Have you ever thought that why getting your desired fitness is a never-ending goal? Well, there can...

Easy ways to burn 100 calories daily

Burning 100 calories doesn’t require a long exercise or gym session. There are few ways you can end up losing those unwanted calories with...

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Health benefits of Jujube Fruit (Ber)

Jujube fruit also known as Ber,  red date and Korean date  is mainly cultivated in South Asia. This small sized fruit that can be...
Vitamin C

Impressive Benefits of Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C has wide benefits to serve. It aids many health issues like cold, lowers hypertension, cures cataracts, heals wounds etc....
Apple with peanut butter

Bedtime Snacks That Help Burning Fat & Induce Sleep

Even after having dinner, there are times when we crave for some bedtime snacks. There are many things we crave for and often they...

Higher use of Social Media linked to Depression in Girls

Study reveals that depression in girls is linked to higher use of social media: A study has found that teenage girls who spend more time...
Source biolayne

Exercise can Heal you After Emotional Breakdown

Heartbreaks are worse and sad and are an inevitable shock to the system. The truth is that having a broken heart sucks and it...