Research revealed: Vaping does not stain teeth

We all are aware of harmful effects of smoking but still many continue to do so and  the most common problem they face is...

Things You Need to Know About Zika Virus

Earlier in 2017 there were two outbreaks of Zika virus in India and now it has again hit the country. Cases of people been...

Healthy Ways to Manage PMS Symptoms

Every woman in this world experience the physical and emotional symptoms of premenstrual syndrome each month. This happens just before you are about to...

PM MODi’s Ayushman Bharat Health Scheme: All you need to know

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is one of the most amazing leaders who is always seen doing something that brings a drastic change and benefits...

Teacher’s Day: Health Tips for Teacher’s

Teaching is one of the most respected professions in the country. They are the ones who help us chase our dreams and help us...

Symptoms of PCOD

These days PCOD (polycystic ovary disease) is a very common problem among women which occurs due to hormonal imbalance Women with PCOD produce high...

Study Reveals: Indians have Higher Average Resting Heart Rate

Recently the Indian Heart Study (IHS) revealed that the average heart rate of Indians is 80 beats per minute which are higher than the...

When to Get Your Health Insurance Updated

Health is one of the most important things in our life because until and unless you are not fit, nothing will come your way....

72-year-old Proves Age is just a Number

A video of a 72-year-old woman doing workout has gone viral on social media. Shared on Facebook by 901 Physical Therapy, the video features...

Surprising Revelation about Green Tea

In the past few years, green tea has become one of the most popular drink and even tea lovers have switched to this healthy...

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Gaming Disorder is now a mental condition!

Gaming disorder is now classified as a mental condition by WHO: Parents often hate when their kids stick to the computer screen to play video...

Anil Kapoor’s Motivational Work-Out

Many people have a misconception that there is a particular age to stay fit but few prove this wrong with their passion towards fitness. ...

Surprising Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

We all love eating chocolates but refrain from them because of calories. But not any more as we tell you some amazing benefits of...
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Top Foods For Healthy Bones

Bones are the support system of the body, they provide structural support and also protect the important organs of the human body. The food...
They listen to their bodies

Tips slim women follow to avoid getting fat

Whenever we see a slim woman we always wonder whats behind her sexy figure.  Even we have a couple of slim and fit girls...