Research revealed: Vaping does not stain teeth

We all are aware of harmful effects of smoking but still many continue to do so and  the most common problem they face is...

How to Stay Healthy on a Road Trip

Going on a road trip is so much fun but the excitement remains only if the trip goes well.. Staying healthy during a road...

Avoid Sour Foods at Night

When it comes to eating at night, almost everyone has the same instruction - 'keep it light.' But with the irresistible presence of food...

6 Tips to Slow Down Aging

We cannot deny the fact, that every day we become a bit older. Ageing is a natural process through which our body passes and...

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Lame excuses that we make to not Workout

Lame Excuses to Skip Workout

Though almost every person knows the benefits of exercising but only a few admit it and include it in their daily routine for a...

Should You Add Coconut Oil to Your Morning Coffee?

Many diet trends are introduced every year and  and the most recent one is  adding coconut oil in coffee. Many people are advised to...

Study: Coronavirus Might Enter the Brain Through the Nose 

A study published stated that coronavirus may enter the brain  through the nose. This may help explain some of the neurological symptoms observed in...

Never Eat These For Breakfast

It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, you need to make the right choice for breakfast as...
Vitamin D levels

Why Should You Pay Attention to Your Vitamin D Levels?

With winters approaching, you might have been hearing a lot about how vitamin D levels rise and fall, all through the winters. Doctors often...