Weird Things People do to Lose Weight

No Doubt almost every person wishes to have a toned and attractive body but not everyone gets it. Though many people put in their...

Things Fitness Freak Couples Can Relate To

Many couples are dedicated towards health so from breakfast, dinner to dates everything revolves around it. Even we have a similar couple in our...

How to Deal with Weight Gain During Menopause

Menopause is a difficult time for women as they have to deal with many changes and fluctuating hormone levels. Along with irregular menstrual cycle...

Ketogenic Diet: Common Mistakes People Make

A keto diet is a low carb diet where the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy. It takes a...

Thoughts We Get When on Diet

Most of us love food but on  the other side we all want to be in shape too so we try many things to...

Dumb Questions Gym Trainers are Tired of Hearing

People join gym to stay fit and most of the time their queries are obvious but still many times they forget to use their...

Best Exercises for Women with PCOS

Women with PCOS should regularly do physical activity as it does not only help in weight management but improves mood and can help with...

Tips to Make Fast Food Choices Healthier

There are times when we crave for that cheesy pizza slice, burgers, fries etc and we also don’t want to spoil our week’s hard...

Fat-Burning Cardio Exercises in Lockdown

Going to the gym is not an option these days and since everyone is at home people are binging on food, TV shows, and...

How to Keep Yourself Active During Quarantine

Quarantine has changed up the routine of almost everyone. It is hard to stay active when your movement has been restricted as many people...

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Breast Cancer Wiped Out by Woman’s Own Immune System

First Woman got eradicated from Breast cancer through immune cells : A 52-year-old lady Judy Perkins from Florida is the first woman who got completely...

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Ginger is known to have a strong and spicy taste, the kind which complements chai the best. Apart from its refreshing taste, ginger is...

Foods That are Good for Thyroid

Many people suffer from this medical condition and it is responsible for releasing hormones that control a huge amount of your body function like...