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Weight Management

Ways to Make Going Back to the Gym Safer 

As gyms and spas are now open, fitness freaks are rushing back to hit the machines. While A lot of people are excited to...

Things Fat People are Tired of Hearing

God has made everyone the same but due to many reasons, our body shape differs from each other. No matter what we should always...

Thoughts You Get When Not Loosing Weight

We all workout to achieve the best bodies, but losing weight is not an easy task. While we know we are doing the best...

Surprising Reasons for Weight Gain

There is nothing more annoying than standing on the machine every morning and seeing increasing weight. While we know eating junk food and not...

Annoying Things That Happen When You Go to Gym

No doubt exercise is the best thing that you can do for fitness but at times things do not always seem great. The daily...

Safe & Effective Cardio Tips for Beginners

Cardio exercise also known as aerobics is physical exercising that helps in reducing weight. Main purpose behind this exercise is the enhancement of heart...

Exercises Men Can Do for Better Sex

Men who are fit and active have better sex lives, but many  face problem in their sex life as they are not able to...

Cheat Meal Strategies for Weight Loss

Going on a diet takes a lot of dedication and sometimes there are days when you crave for pizza or junk food, but while...

If Your Boyfriend is a Fitness Freak!

In today’s time almost everybody wants to stay healthy and fit but maintaining that level of fitness requires loads of efforts. And the ones...

Fitness is Much More than Just Losing Weight!

Many people are introduced to fitness when they wish to lose or gain weight. It is not only important when you want to look...

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Causes and Symptoms of Infertility in Men

Many people have a misconception that mostly a woman faces the problem of infertility, or she is the one because of whom the couple...
Source- Times of India

What is The One Meal A Day (OMAD) Diet?

What is an OMAD diet? An extreme form of intermittent fasting, the OMAD diet is becoming a popular diet. People following this diet are required...
Source coresectorcommunique

Interesting Benefits of Water Aerobics

Working out in the water is one of the most therapeutic activities. Aqua aerobics is doing workouts in fairly shallow water such as in...
Anushka Sharma

Everything You Need to Know About Bulging Disc

Bulging Disc is a common spine injury and actress Anushka Sharma has been suffering from it. It is said that doctors advised her bed...