10 Minutes Yoga Routine for People with a Hectic Schedule

Most of us lead a busy life with a lot of responsibilities to handle from day to day. Our busy schedules may keep us...

Yoga Exercises to Do at Home During Periods

When it is that time of the month, many women just want to curl up in bed till the days pass. Some also experience...

Daily Habits You Must Inculcate For Inner Peace

We all want that elusive calm state of mind and serenity is something that everyone desires. Our daily routine can sometimes be very hectic...

Yoga Poses for Your Period to Help Relieve Cramps

When it is that time of the month, many women just want to curl up in bed till the days pass. Some also experience...

Yoga Poses to Relieve Headaches

5 yoga poses to relieve headaches Headache is a common problem and we always look for an instant solution which, ie the medicine. As we...

Breathing Techniques To Help You Stay Calm

Locked inside your house can lead to anxiety. Not being able to go out, not meeting with friends and family, struggle to get basic...

Self-Massage Techniques You Must Include in Your Routine

Massaging has various benefits for our body like it helps in reducing muscle tension, stiffness and also increases the blood flow in the body....

How Yoga can Help Breast Cancer Survivors

Battle against cancer takes more than just physical strength. Having friends and family around keeps you motivated to fight it off but the only...

Yoga Asanas to Increase Height

Our height, weight and physique are often the three important things that build our confidence. As kids, we are all told to focus on...

Must Follow Morning Rituals for a Productive Day

Most of us find it difficult to get out of bed every morning although almost all of us follow a daily routine but let’s...

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