Equipment You Need to Make Mini-Gym at Home

We love to see celebrities training in their home gym but we didn’t anticipate that we would need one for ourselves too. Its been...

Best Running Shoes For Men

Exercise is a necessity these days for a better and happier life. The right pair of shoes makes a world of a difference while...

Underwear Rules Every Woman Should Live By

Do you know the wrong pair of undies can do a lot of harm to your private area? There are some underwear rules that...

Why You Must Invest in a Fitness Band

Do you like to keep a track of your life? How cool would it be to keep a track of your health and your...

Rakhi Gifts for Fitness Freak Sisters

Its Rakhi tomorow and brothers must be puzzled thinking what to gift their sisters this time. Nowadays, people have grown health conscious and there...

Malaika Arora Gives Perfect Gym Wear Goals

No matter whether it’s a party or just a normal day, everyone wants to look their best and fashionable nowadays. Even people who work...

Must Buy: Technology-Enabled Shoes

In this 21st century where everything is tech-based, the shoes we wear are also behind. These new age shoes tell you how much you...

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No Diet and Exercise, we Need Better Cities to Stay Fit

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Why Neem is a Powerful Remedy

Azadirachta indica is also known as ‘Neem’ is loaded with several health and skin benefits. Neem is used in making many medicines because of...
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Tips to Wash your Clothes in Coronavirus Pandemic

The number of people affected by coronavirus is increasing everyday. According to medical advisories by the WHO it is important to wash your hands...

Powerful Home Remedies for Sinus 

In sinus cavities inside the nose gets clogged or infected due to allergies, cold, or bacterial infections which causes headache, snoring, or difficulty in...
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Thoughts You Have While Running on a Treadmill

Treadmill is one of the most important parts of the workout as almost every person who wants to stay fit does it. But this...