How Crying can Make you Healthier

Must be thinking how weeping can be good for someone? Well yes, it is in some way or the other. Its benefits start with...

Health Benefits of Kissing

Most of the people have a misconception that Kiss is just a sign of showing love towards our partners you would be surprised to...

Seeing Greenery can Control Cravings

No doubt you might have heard about the health benefits of nature but, do you know that even greenery helps in controlling our unhealthy...

Horns are Growing on Young People’s Skull!

Researchers at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia have discovered that our frequent use of mobile devices could be fundamentally changing our physiology....

Which is better: Indian or Western Toilet Seat?

Western culture has dominated Indians from a long time, we have adopted the western lifestyle in a way that we are overlooking the importance...

Ways to Curb Snoring with Lifestyle Changes

Almost 45% of normal adults snore occasionally and you might be one of them. A snoring partner often keeps the other person’s good night...

Everything You Need to Know about Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis also  known as MS is a disease of the central nervous system that affects brains, spinal cord, and the optic nerves in...

How to Protect Yourself from Smog

From past few days the residents of Capital of India, Delhi are waking up to a thick blanket of smog. The levels of pollution...

How to Protect Yourself from Air Pollution Allergies

Air quality has dipping with the advent of winter. The ambient level of air pollution is oscillating, at times exceeding the safety limits for...

Everything You Need to Know About Bulging Disc

Bulging Disc is a common spine injury and actress Anushka Sharma has been suffering from it. It is said that doctors advised her bed...

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Experts Reveal Popular Fitness Trends of 2020 

2020 was not good for fitness freaks as they had to stay indoors for months without going to the gym. But special times lead...

Ways to Purify your Lungs Naturally

Check out a few ways to naturally purify your lungs: As we breathe a lot of impurities get dumped in our lungs and healthy lungs...

Surprising Benefits of Kiwi Juice

Kiwi is delicious and its juice is even more tastier and healthy. Kiwi juice is full of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals which is good...
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Do Ice Baths have Benefits?

Recently people have been taking ice baths to speed up recovery following tough workouts. Research shows that ice baths may lower inflammation and pain...
Health Benefits of Dates

Health Benefits of Dates

Dates are used in small and large quantities in cuisines across the world and are one of the best sweet and versatile foods known to...