Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Red Meat

Red meats have a bad reputation due to the high amount of cholesterol content and saturated fat present in it. But the truth is...

Go Off Gluten For a Great Body

Over the past few years information about gluten and its side-effects have been on the rise. This has triggered several changes in the diet...

Best foods to eat before drinking alcohol

Remember you are always asked to eat something before drinking or eat while drinking alcohol. But do you know you should wisely choose what you should...

8 Food Items to Fight Winter Chills

Don’t we all love winters? But often when we feel cold we all crave for the sun and hot summer days! However, if you...

Complete Keto Diet Food List

Have you decided to take to on a Ketogenic diet? And do you exactly know what to eat? If you are not sure here...

Surprising Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

We all love eating chocolates but refrain from them because of calories. But not any more as we tell you some amazing benefits of...

Rice or Roti: Which is healthier for weight loss?

Rice or Roti which is a healthy choice? The two main staples of our Indian diet is rice and chapattis. These two complete our meal....

Benefits of Eating Poha

Poha is one of the much loved Indian breakfast and there are different ways to eat it. Whether you eat it in traditionally cooked...

Herbs that help balance hormones

Our hormones are a chemical substance produced by the body to control and regulate the activity of cells An imbalance of hormone levels causes...

Amazing Benefits of Ginger Milk

Ginger is an herbal plant that has a lot of benefits for body and provides anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties to us. Milk too is...

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Study Reveals: Erectile Dysfunction also effects Productivity at Work

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Every woman experiences the phase of menopause which occurs around the age of 50 but because of our modern lifestyle, where things are misbalanced,...
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Must Follow Morning Rituals for a Productive Day

Most of us find it difficult to get out of bed every morning although almost all of us follow a daily routine but let’s...