All You Need To Know About Pfizer’s Coronavirus Vaccine 

India’s total coronavirus case stands at more than 8.6 million with 38,074 new cases reported. While the number of new cases are increasing but...

Covid-19 is Airbrone: Ways to Stay Safe 

Seems like our worst nightmare is about to get true. A few days back some scientists from around the globe made a revelation that...

Study: Poor Gut Health Can Cause Complications of Covid-19

It's been one year that we are daily hearing anything new about coronavirus. First, we heard about its effect on the respiratory system. After...

Pregnancy during Covid : Precautions to Take

We all know that women need to take extra care during pregnancy and now during the pandemic, they need to be more careful about...

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Getting Your Covid-19 Vaccine

Finally the vaccine is here and people over 60 and above are getting vaccinated against the virus. Even those above the age of 45...

India Might Soon Enter the Endemic Stage of Covid-19

We all know that the pandemic is not over yet and the third wave might come. But WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan says we...

New Covid-19 Strain: People Who are at Most Risk of Infection 

The discovery of the new coronavirus strain has put the world into tension. From lockdowns, and worries over vaccines effective in preventing mutations, reports...

Benefits of Quitting Diary

We all have been drinking milk since childhood as it was considered the best source of calcium and other vital nutrients. But do you...

All You Need to Know About Singapore Covid Variant 

Singapore battled with Covid and was successful in curbing the spread of the novel coronavirus, however recently the country announced a new strain of...

New Symptoms in the Second Wave of Coronavirus 

In the second wave of coronavirus, the cases have touched new and unexpected numbers. Cases across are surging in huge numbers, which has brought...

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