Benefits of Low-Carb Diet

Many believe that we must eat less carbohydrates and fats in order to lose weight. But the fact is that having a healthy low-carb...

Things to Know About Fasted Cardio

There are many trends and new ways of losing weight that is introduced in the world of fitness and many people are willing to...

How Japanese Water Therapy Helps in Weight-Loss

Many of us do not have enough water throughout the day and it can affect the functioning of many organs in our body. If...

Things You Must Keep in Mind Before Dating a Fitness Freak

Almost every girl dreams of dating a man who is strong and has a good body but, along with that you must also know...

Keto Diet Myths you should Stop Believing

The keto diet is gaining a lot of attention among the fitness people. Keto diet or Ketogenic diet is high in fat and low...

Experts Reveal Popular Fitness Trends of 2020 

2020 was not good for fitness freaks as they had to stay indoors for months without going to the gym. But special times lead...

How to Stay Healthy Over Christmas

It's the time of the year when people indulge in parties, celebrations, and family get together. With all this comes an imbalance in your...

Unexpected Reasons You are Not Losing Belly Fat

There are many people who deal with the problem of abdominal fat and even after doing a lot of vigorous exercises they fail. This...

Tips to Stay Fit this Diwali

One of the most popular festivals is on its way and Diwali is just incomplete without tasty snacks, late night fun, yummy desserts, and...

Alteration in Meal Time Results in Weight Loss

 Weight is one of the major issues that most of the people are currently dealing with.  Recently a research by Dr. Jonathan Johnston from the University...

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Dash Diet

Dash Diet is the renewed way towards health

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Soya milk is a popular alternative to dairy milk and as compared to other non-dairy milk, this is cheaper too. Even for people who aren’t...
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Regardless of age, working out and giving emphasis on fitness are essential. People in their early 20s to people in late 70s; all need...

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As gyms and spas are now open, fitness freaks are rushing back to hit the machines. While A lot of people are excited to...
Source Cook with Whiskaffair

Benefits of Eating Poha

Poha is one of the much loved Indian breakfast and there are different ways to eat it. Whether you eat it in traditionally cooked...