Benefits of Low-Carb Diet

Many believe that we must eat less carbohydrates and fats in order to lose weight. But the fact is that having a healthy low-carb diet would be more effective than running behind those low-fat meals. We must focus on eating healthy rather than skipping meals and thinking of foods that have fewer calories. We tell you why a healthy diet is important and why it’s better to choose low-carb over low-fat.


Low-carb leads to effortless calorie restriction

When we compare low-fat and low-carb diets, the carb restricted dieters are allowed to eat until fullness. While for the fat restricted groups it is important to count calories and control portions. Despite doing so the low-carb dieters ate the same amount and even fewer calories than the low-fat ones, helping them more in weight loss.

It lowers triglycerides

Blood levels of triglycerides are a major risk for heart disease and is related to the refined carbohydrates in diet thus the intake of food that is healthy and low in carbs is advised.

They help in more weight loss

Taking care of the carbs gives more benefit in weight loss than diets that are low on fat. Many dieticians also pay more emphasis on having healthy carbs instead of directing people to avoid foods with fats.

Low-carb diets increase HDL cholesterol

When one starts having a low carb food it eventually raises the HDL levels while the low fats one tend to decrease them. As the level of HDL cholesterol is important in preventing heart diseases, it is essential to go for a low in carbs diet.

Improves glycemic control

Fewer carbs are equal to less glucose for the diabetic so it a low carb diet helps to cure type II diabetes. You tend to lower blood sugar levels with less insulin and glucose-lowering medication.

Low-carb diets are easier to stick to

A Low-fat diet restricts one from eating many things, which people find impossible to stick to. If you are asked to eat a healthy low-carb food once or twice a day, it is easier to go for, than when asked to refrain from all those that contain fats.