Eating Like A ‘Snake’ Can Help You Lose Weight

Here is all about bizarre weight loss fad: These days people are getting worried about their health and are looking out for ways to maintain...

What to Eat Before a Cardio Workout

Cardio consists of many exercises patterns that range from high-intensity workouts to the low ones. The eating pattern simultaneously changes with the type of...

Alteration in Meal Time Results in Weight Loss

 Weight is one of the major issues that most of the people are currently dealing with.  Recently a research by Dr. Jonathan Johnston from the University...

Safe & Effective Cardio Tips for Beginners

Cardio exercise also known as aerobics is physical exercising that helps in reducing weight. Main purpose behind this exercise is the enhancement of heart...

Lame Excuses to Skip Workout

Though almost every person knows the benefits of exercising but only a few admit it and include it in their daily routine for a...

Fitness is Much More than Just Losing Weight!

Many people are introduced to fitness when they wish to lose or gain weight. It is not only important when you want to look...

Is Bariatric Surgery, a Perfect Solution for Obesity?

In today’s time obesity is one of the most common problems that people are facing, even the little ones are dealing with it. Though...

Keto Diet Myths you should Stop Believing

The keto diet is gaining a lot of attention among the fitness people. Keto diet or Ketogenic diet is high in fat and low...

Hacks To Reduce Belly Fat!

We all love to have a flat belly but no matter how hard we work out or restrict diet, belly fat takes a lot...

What’s the best time to workout?

The time of the day when you workout is important as time impacts on the health. We may think we can exercise whenever we...

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Nuts to Consume for Boosting Immunity

The coronavirus pandemic has caused people to think about their food and lifestyle choices and hence everyone is working on becoming healthier. Your food...

Should Soya Chunks be a Part of Your Weight-Loss Journey?

Vegetarians are always looking for protein-rich foods that can be added to the diet to ensure optimal protein intake. Soya chunks are known to...

Foods That Are High in Vitamin C

Vitamin C has a positive effect on skin, health immune system of the body and is important for bones, teeth and blood vessels. As...
Nut butter recipes

5 Nut Butter You Can Easily Make at Home

Nut butter are a good source of healthy fat and micronutrients and serve as a great alternative to dairy butter. Though there are multiple...
Source:Consumer Reports

Ways to Curb Snoring with Lifestyle Changes

Almost 45% of normal adults snore occasionally and you might be one of them. A snoring partner often keeps the other person’s good night...