Milk Diet: What is it and Does it Work?

Source- Metro

The world of the internet keeps expanding and exploding with different dieting trends and one such trend is milk diet. As the name suggests, this diet is about consuming only milk for at least a month.

This diet originally wasn’t about losing weight, instead, it aimed to give time to the body to heal and for other health-related issues. Of course, people came across other effects of this diet and discovered that it also promotes weight loss. This diet was then altered by dieticians so that people can consider it for weight loss purposes too and soon it went viral.

Should You Follow or not?

Milk is a great source of calcium and it is believed that its consumption helps the body get rid of accumulated fat, particularly from the abdominal area. The protein in milk keeps you full for a long time and provides energy to carry on with your daily activities.

The extreme version of this diet encourages people to survive on 4 pints (1.89 L approx) a day and that can trigger unhealthy relationships with food and other serious issues like anorexia, bulimia, etc. The relatively acceptable version of the milk diet involves having a glass of low-fat milk after each meal.

To conclude, the milk diet is not the best option out there when it comes to shedding weight. There are healthier options and diet plans that do not involve excluding certain food groups entirely from your diet. If you still want to try a milk diet and see if it works for you, make sure you include other food groups in your diet plan to make up for the lack of it in milk. You can also consult with a dietician and see what works best for you.